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Magazine comparison
This was my favourite task to do as i had plently of time to do it in, i liked researching different types of magazines and anaylising them , i liked how much detail and effort i could put into it as the deadline was quite relaxed as it was the first task. The dealines are getting closer together now which makes not every task as enjoyable and easy as this one.

Magazine comparison
This task was also quite simple as i did some research on questionnaires for magazines and it helped alot with the layout and wording of some of the questions and making sure they made sense.

Practise photos
This task was one of my favourites too as it was the first time we had been sent out to take photos , i really enjoyed the photogrphy part of it and getting the right setting ,angles and poses was fun. It was also really good practise for the type of shot's we're taking now for our final designs.

I've made a few changes to the magazine
This piece was easy to do after i made a few changes to my school magazine, i changed the picture and the name of the magazine as i didn't think that the name of the magazine was catchy i changed it to