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Double Page Spread : Music Magazine

This is my double page spread flatplan for my music magazine , Antony Hegarty from 'Antony and the Johnsons' is posing behind a bush, i've only drawn parts of the bush behind him as it's meant to be quite dark but detailed and it would've take ages to draw small leaves around Antony.
He is wearing a white smock and has pink lipstick,this is quite a feminine and different for a man but it represents Antony as a unique and controversal artist, some people like his music and some people find it too strange and weird.
The set out of the page is quite basic for a double page spread with the intro underneath the main picture with a caption about the artist or band, the title is at the top usually starting on the top left hand corner. The interview starts underneath the caption and flows up onto the left hand side of the second page.